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Configuration files are stored under ~/.config/gcloud/configurations

In addition to setting properties in a configuration, and the use of flags, it is possible to override the value of a property with an environment variable. The matching environment variable for a property is of the form 'CLOUDSDK_CATEGORY_PROPERTY'. For example, to demonstrate overriding the project property in the core category to my-project, use a command like: CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT=my-project gcloud config get core/project

General usage


List domains without pendingContactSettings:

gcloud domains registrations list \
  --filter "pendingContactSettings.adminContact=.*" --format "table[no-heading](DOMAIN)"

Auth login

gcloud auth login

Proxy / custom CA cert

Use the ca cert bundle (including custom certs):

gcloud config set core/custom_ca_certs_file /etc/ssl/cert.pem

Cloud SQL

gcloud sql backups list --instance=mastodon
gcloud sql backups create --instance=mastodon \
  --description="Manual before instance upgrade"


List all projects belonging to an organization:

gcloud beta asset search-all-resources \ \