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Neovim markdown plugins


  • Still no keymap for increasing or decreasing Markdown headers. vim-markdown plugin does that but it's VimScript and probably mess too much with existing plugins

Neovim Markdown extra

Included plugins:

Telescope markdown plugins

Table of contents


  • GitHub
  • API and CLI for generating a markdown TOC (table of contents) for a README or any markdown files
  • Default TOC generator bundled in the Lazyvim markdown extra
  • Insert <!-- toc --> into the head of a Markdown document, it's updated automatically on save

Marksman language server

Other TOC generators

General markdown plugins

  • preservim/vim-markdown
    • VimScript
    • Syntax highlighting, matching rules and mappings for the original Markdown and extensions
    • Useful for decreasing or increasing Markdown headers
    • Generate TOC
  • nvim-FeMaco.lua
    • "A small plugin allowing to edit injected language trees with correct filetype in a floating window. This allows you to use all of your config for your favorite language"

Other markdown preview plugins

  • glow.nvim
    • A (text-based) markdown preview directly in your neovim
    • glow-hover Leverage glow to display LSP hover responses.


  • Github
  • Last commit 2023-04
  • Dependency: Deno javascript runtime needed

    live update synchronized scrolling github-style look TeX math Mermaid diagrams
