Weather APIs
see private wiki ~/smarthome/
for locations
Open-Meteo is an open-source weather API and offers free access for non-commercial use. No API key is required. You can use it immediately!
- Website
- Docs and API builder
- Opensprinklershop provider:
- home-assistant open-meteo integration
- Website: historical data until 3 month ago
- Soil moisture, evapotranspiration, etc.
Weather underground
- No official home-assistant integration, but a 3rd party one
OpenWeatherMap API
One-call API
- One-call API
- Only for paid subscriptions
- Home-assistant OpenWeatherMap integration
Agro API
- No official integration yet
- DWD HTTP API (rain radar for Germany Hacky workaround
- Current Homeassistant Weather forecast integrations not accurate enough for Germany. Can you integrate
3rd party integrations
- Deutscher Wetterdienst integration for Home-Assistant
- Custom component for Home Assistant
- DWD Warnungen für HomeAssistant
Home-assistant weather integration
Noise map
From Noise Map:
Noise Map uses modern big-data tools to anaylse and simulate noise around the world. We looked at noise propagation literature and understood how sounds travels. Using the available data (mainly ADS-B data) about plane locations around the world, we model and visualise the expected noise levels on the ground near airports around the world. We also visualise other types of noise on our dashboard (road, rail, …) based on the work of