Beancount queries
Create alias:
alias bq="bean-query ~/beancount/personal.beancount"
List all know acconts:
List all uses account in year, filter by regex:
SELECT DISTINCT account FROM year = 2024 WHERE account ~ 'Expenses' ORDER BY account
Account Balances
SELECT account, sum(position)
FROM year = 2019 WHERE account ~ 'Expenses:Privat'
ORDER BY account
Balance totals in 1 number:
SELECT sum(cost(position)) as income FROM year = 2020
WHERE account ~ 'Expenses:Privat'
Balance until given date:
SELECT account, sum(position) FROM CLOSE on 2022-01-01
WHERE account = 'Assets:Privat'
Income total
SELECT sum(cost(position)) as income FROM year = 2018
WHERE account ~ 'Income:Privat'
Net profit
SELECT sum(cost(position)) as income FROM year = 2018 WHERE account ~ 'Income:Privat|Expenses:Privat'
Show income with metadata mwst
= 19:
SELECT account, sum(position) FROM year = 2020 \
WHERE account ~ 'Income' AND any_meta('mwst') = '19'
Find amounts
SELECT * WHERE Number = 3.8
SELECT date,description,account,position WHERE number = 229.06
SELECT date,description,account,position FROM year = 2020 \
WHERE account ~ '^Expenses' AND number > 800
Journal entries / list transactions
See links
section below for a SQL query that is similar to a JOURNAL
but contains more fields like i.e. links
From the mailing list thread:
FROM can be used only with transaction columns and WHERE can be used only with posting columns.
JOURNAL "Expenses" AT COST FROM year = 2019
JOURNAL 'Assets' FROM NOT narration ~ 'foo'
JOURNAL 'Assets' FROM NOT narration ~ 'foo' AND year = 2014
Search for narration (description):
JOURNAL FROM narration ~ 'foo'
JOURNAL 'Assets' FROM narration ~ 'foo'
Date ranges:
journal FROM OPEN on 2014-01-01 CLOSE on 2015-01-01
journal "Assets" FROM CLOSE on 2021-01-14
Calculate total from date range:
SELECT account, sum(position) FROM OPEN ON 2021-09-01 CLOSE ON 2022-09-01 \
WHERE account ~ "Income|Expenses" GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1
Include transaction flag:
SELECT date,description,account,position,flag WHERE account ~ '^Income'
Show unverified transactions:
SELECT date,description,account,position,flag \
WHERE account ~ '^Income' AND flag != '*'
Sum of transactions
Generate csv file with sum of income/expenses for date range:
SELECT account, sum(position) \
FROM OPEN ON 2021-09-01 CLOSE ON 2022-09-01 \
WHERE account ~ "Income|Expenses" GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
: for marking/excluding spikes in the balance sheet
SELECT date,description,account,position,tags WHERE 'spike' in tags"
bq "SELECT date,description,account,position,tags WHERE 'spike' in tags" | \
grep -Ev 'Assets' | sed 's/ spike//'
Handling of flags in the lexer:
The lexer recognizes the
characters as flags
Default txn
flag will be evaluated as *
SELECT date,description,account,position,balance,links FROM year = 2020 \
WHERE account = 'Income'
Transaction metadata:
SELECT date,description,account,position,tags WHERE any_meta('mwst') = '19'
SELECT date, description, position, balance
WHERE any_meta('invoice') = '200' and ('payment' in tags)
Account meatadata:
select getitem(open_meta('Income'), 'mwst') as name group by 1
Print journal entries matching a query:
PRINT FROM year = 2019 AND HAS_ACCOUNT('Assets')
PRINT FROM narration ~ 'Mobile'