Vim snippets
Snippet engines
- nvim-snippets
- Luasnip
- Lua
- Available as Lazyim extra
- Supports: VScode, Snipmate, Lua snippets
- nvim-cmp supported snippet engines
- nvim-snippy
- SnipMate compatibles
- Supports
- vsnip
- VimScript
- neosnippet
- Vimscript
Note: Active development on neosnippet.vim has stopped.
The only future changes will be bug fixes.
- Ultisnips, see below
- GitHub
- "Snippet support using native neovim snippets"
- Uses vim.snippet under the hood for snippet expansion
- Default snippet engine in LazyVim
- Supports vscode style snippets, i.e. friendly-snippets
- Example snippet
- Snippet search path:
Show list of snippets available for filetype: <F2>
Otherwise <tab>
will complete snippets.
Snippet syntax
Vscode / LSP syntax
- LSP snippetSyntax docs
- Snippet collections: friendly-snippets Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages
- Disadvantage: JSON :/
- Example shell snippets
Snipmate snippets
- Snipmate snippet syntax is easy to read and maintain
- Can't find a syntax documentation source of truth
- LuaSnip docs for Snipmate syntax
- Original vim-snipmate plugin
- honza/vim-snippets
- Example shell snippets
Lua snippets
- Available as Lazyim extra
- Horrible Lua snippet syntax
- LuaSnip-snippets.nvim Neovim plugin that provides snippets for the LuaSnip plugin
Ultisnip syntax
- Extensible
- Example snippets from honza/vim-snippets