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Beets is the media library management system for obsessive-compulsive music geeks.

  • Website
  • GitHub
  • Docs
  • Config: ~/.config/beets/config.yaml
  • DB: ~/Media/Audio/beets
  • Music directory managed by beets: ~/Music
  • beets log: ~/var/log/beet.log

Tagging workflow

Incoming, unttagged music/audiobooks: ~/Audio/incoming

Only test what beets would do:

beet import --pretend Album01

Import a "singleton" (single track):

beet import -s

Manual tagging

Auto-detection doesn't work, ugh :/

Using the Auto-Tagger: Choices

--> "Use as is" and edit tags later.

Doesn't work, it doesn't automatically apply the genre:

beet import --set genre="Electro" Album01

So simply import it to the general library and retag it later with the genre:

beet import Artist/Album01
beet modify Album01 genre="Electro"

Deal with non-matchings titles:

cd ~/Media/incoming
down_on_spot ''
beet import -s Album01/Track01

Edit tags

I.e. add Children's Music tag:

export TAG="Children's Music"

Find album:

beet ls -a Album01

Modify tags:

beet modify Album01 $TAG

Or manually, edit album tag, and add genre: Children's Music:

beet edit -a Album01

Album gets moved to location based on tag configured in config file, verify with:

beet ls -a -p Album01

Re-import album, i.e. when special characters let Phonybox fail to play a folder:

beet -vv import -L Album01
beet modify Artist genre=$TAG

or even better:

beet edit -a Album01

Manual cover download

Only needed if automatic embedding during import from FetchArt and EmbedArt plugins fail, otherwise the cover will get placed in the resulting folder after import.

glyrc cover --artist Artist --album Album01



Embed cover image:

beet embedart -f /tmp/album.jpg album::Album01

Sync to Phonybox
glabels-3 cdcover.glabels