On a normal armbian-image SSH and DHCP is enabled. User: root Initial password: 1234
How to toggle verbose boot
alter the verbosity= line in /boot/armbianEnv.txt (defaults to 1 which means less verbose, maximum value is 7).
Dist upgrades
Armbian does not offer a standardized way nor do you encourage users to upgrade their userspace like Bionic to Focal, Stretch to Buster or mentioned above Buster to Bullseye. We would love to do that but the reason why we cannot is simply the lack of ressources in time and devices to test such upgrades in random scenarios. You can try to upgrade your userspace by following official ways from Debian/Ubuntu but make sure to freeze your firmware packages via armbian-config beforehand. Also you will not receive any help from Armbian if something goes wrong or other issues with an upgraded system.