- Website
- Docs
- Helmchart
- Docker hub image
- Supported providers
- Volume snapshots possible
- No native encryption at rest
- 3rd party controllers
- velero-volume-controller
- detects and adds relevant backup annotation to pods with volumes
- Last commit 2022
- velero-pvc-watcher
- detects PVCs with no restic backup and exposes a prometheus metric
- Last commit 2021
- velero-volume-controller
Needs object store provider for backup
volumes are not supported, but thelocal-path
volume type is supported.- Volumes that are mounted with
are still backed up as a whole, not only the subPath
Arch: pamac install velero-bin
Important: A root-level backup bucket needs to exist. Create a bucket:
mc mb varac/velero
Manual backup:
velero create backup BACKUP_NAME --exclude-namespaces velero --wait
List backups:
velero get backups
kubectl get -A backups
Details of backup:
velero backup describe --details manual-test1
velero backup logs velero-daily-20240924153213
List backupstoragelocations
kubectl get -A
velero get backup-locations
List backuprepositories
k get -A
velero repo get
List podvolumebackups
kubectl get -A
List podVolumes in backup set:
velero backup describe --details -o json manual3 | jq .status.backupVolumes.podVolumeBackups.podVolumeBackupsDetails
Delete backups
Delete the backup custom resource only and will not delete any associated data from object/block storage:
kubectl delete backup <backupName> -n <veleroNamespace>
Delete the backup resource including all data in object/block storage:
velero backup delete <backupName>
Delete whole backuprepository
kubectl -n velero delete
File System Backup
- Docs: File System Backup
- local-path-provisioner lacks VolumeSnapshot support
- Re-evaluate velero as backup solution
hostPath volumes are not supported. Local persistent volumes are supported.
Restic/Kopia repositorz password:
- No way to override restic password: Enable users to set restic repo passwords
- Support changing existing backup repository password
Restic integration
- When files are altered/removed during backup Restic logs errors which lead
to a
backup job: Error thrown for empty files during backup
- Velero comes with a native metrics exporter
- Official Kubernetes/Tanzu/Velero dashboard
- Obsolete: prometheus-velero-exporter
- Example Prometheus Rule to monitor Velero seems bad