Kubernetes ingress
Get real-ip header
Other resources, non of them worked for my setup though:
- Make Traefik Forward Real Client IP
- K8s docs: Create an External Load Balancer / Preserving the client source IP
- Getting Real Client IP with k3s
Traffic in front of the cluster ingress
- Haven't found a way to pass the real-ip header when using a TCP router with
TLS passthrough
- passHostHeader
is only available for http services, not for tcp services, of course because
Header is a concept from HTTP protocol. TCP does not have a concept of an HTTP header
- Until then, services that require real-ip (i.e. Plausible) need to stay on an external node with static IP
Exposing arbitrary TCP and UDP ports
by default can only expose http+https ports.
You can use the tcp
and udp
helm chart config options
like this:
8080: "moewe/unifi-controller:8080"
or this:
10001: "moewe/unifi-discovery:10001"
3478: "moewe/unifi-stun:3478"
BUT you can mix them, if will produce the following error when applying a mixed TCP+UDP helmfile:
Error: Service "oas-test-proxy-nginx-ingress-controller" is invalid: spec.ports: Invalid value: … cannot create an external load balancer with mix protocols
Related issues:
- https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/11268
- https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/23880