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Firware update daemon fwupd

Install cli tool and UI:

sudo pacman -S fwupd gnome-firmware
sudo apt install fwupd

Refresh firmware database:

sudo fwupdmgr refresh --force

fwupdmgr get-devices

Include non-updateable devices (such as coreboot atm i.e.):

fwupdmgr get-devices --show-all-devices

Show available updates:

fwupdmgr get-updates


fwupdmgr update


Coreboot support

2019-11, fwupd 1.3.3-2: Coreboot detected with fwupdmgr get-devices --show-all-devices, but device is shown as non-updatable.

LVFS website search also doesn't show more than one coreboot-supported device.


  • GNOME Software (Updates tab)