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Install: brew install sops


Config at ~/.sops.yaml



So far no native kubernetes secrets support in sops

Edit kubernetes secrets in vim

sops prometheus-alertmanager-varac-secret.yaml

Using stringdata: without base64 encoding

Using data: and base64 encoding

  • christianrondeau/vim-base64
  • :set paste
  • mark visual (v$)
  • convert base64 to ascii (\btoa)
  • ...edit...
  • mark visual (v$)
  • convert ascii to base64 (\atob)

Encrypt only part of the keys

see also sops: Encrypting only parts of a file

sops -e -i --encrypted-regex '^(TOKEN)$' personal-gitlab-exporter.yaml

Then simply use sops personal-gitlab-exporter.yaml to edit further

Generate sops secret from file

kubectl -n wireguard create secret generic wireguard-server-config \
  --dry-run=client \
  -o yaml --from-file=wg0.conf=wg0.conf | \
  sops -e --encrypted-regex '^(data|stringData)$' --input-type yaml \
  --output-type yaml /dev/stdin

Generate empty sops encrypted k8s secret

cat ~/projects/kubernetes/secrets/empty-secret-stringdata.yml | \
  sops -e --encrypted-regex  '^(data|stringData)$' --input-type yaml \
  --output-type yaml /dev/stdin > $1

or use custom function:

    sops_create_k8s_secret /tmp/test.yml

Wrapper tools

  • sops64: Sops wrapper that does base64 encoding and decoding for you. (Unmaintained)